With this disgusting humidity the last thing I felt like doing tonight was anything to do with dinner.
We don’t have our air conditioner installed yet and despite Bill going out on an urgent trip to Bed, Bath and Beyond to buy a fan to tide us over through these few days, the fan just doesn’t cut it when we get cooking in the kitchen.
Tonight we decided to treat ourselves to the restaurant around the corner, Black Iris. Nothing will top my (aka mums) home made tabouli, but I will make any excuse for some vine leaves and rice and various other delicacies. Also, every time we have walked past I have said “Oh.. we must go there!”
The meals were so cheap and plentiful and very very good quality – the only thing better than their vine leaves were ones from home. It isn’t flash but our waiter was delightful and there was a steady cliental coming in and out. I am delighted we have such a great restaurant so close – we have a new go to place when we just need someone else to cook for us every once in a while!
For those of you on Foursquare, tonight we had our first instance of ‘checking in’ and finding the one other person in the restaurant had also checked in as well!
It doesn’t look particularly pretty but it sure did taste nice!