Via Flickr:
I got home from work tonight and opened the laptop to check Twitter.
Jane Kennedy had tweeted her dismay at having to contact 5 boxes of school books.
Covering books is one of my favorite activities of all time. Mum never had to do mine after about grade four… and I would do my all of my brother’s books too!
I responded to Jane with my contacting secret – @jenelle: Use a ruler & tissue to press the contact down and bubbles out. For stubborn bubbles – pin prick! #tipsfromalibrarian
Then I got awarded an OBE…!
The funny thing is, at the time I was watching the Brady Bunch (LOVE IT!) and Mr Brady had just stepped into the library. I’ve recorded the clip to post later. The library was so cute in the episode.
Hooray for contact and best of luck to all of those who have spent the past few days covering school books!